Real change happens when girls are given a seat at the table. Add your name and stand with girls.

Listen up! 3 in 5 girls feel ignored by political leaders in the UK*, leaving them out of decisions that impact their health, their safety and their futures. That’s just not good enough, for girls anywhere in the world.

Add your name if you agree that it’s time for change.

Every day, decisions are made by those in power that shape girls’ lives – but girls’ voices are often excluded. The General Election is a time for those in power to truly listen to girls, and to involve them in shaping this country’s future.

Let's make their voices heard! Because real change happens when girls are given a seat at the table. 

Pictured: Kristie, Plan International UK Youth Advisory Panel member

*61% of girls believe political leaders in the UK do not represent and include them in political processes and decision-making spaces. Research commissioned by Plan International UK and conducted online by Opinium Research amongst a sample of 1,000 14-24-year-old females in the UK from 11th to 17th July 2023

I STAND WITH GIRLS >> Those in power MUST listen to girls when making decisions that affect their lives.

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