Public sexual harassment should be a crime

Girls are sick of being harassed, followed and touched – it’s time for public sexual harassment to be a crime. Agree? Add your name to help make it happen.

Right now in the UK, you could get fined for cycling on the pavement, but not for following a girl walking home from school. Together we can change that.

Up and down the UK, girls are leading the movement to make public sexual harassment a crime, so girls and women can finally feel safer on our streets.

With thousands of us already taking action and standing with girls, momentum is really growing. If we keep up the pressure, 2023 could be the year the law finally changes.

If you agree it’s time for girls to get the support and justice they need, add your name to join the #CrimeNotCompliment campaign now.

Pictured: Tanya, Youth Ambassador for Plan International UK

I stand with girls: it’s time to make public sexual harassment a crime

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